Time Zone of Colima

02:40:02 AM
Sat, 07/27/24

Time Zone

UTC -05:00

Time Difference

13 hours behind Beijing

DST of Colima in 2024

  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • Start of DST
    At Sun Apr 7 02:00:00 2024, clocks in Colima are turned forward 1 hour to Sun Apr 7 03:00:00 2024 to start DST
  • End of DST
    At Sun Oct 27 02:00:00 2024, clocks in Colima are turned backward 1 hour to Sun Oct 27 01:00:00 2024 to end DST
View DST changes of Colima over years >>

Sunrise & Sunset of Colima

Sunrise Time


Sunset Time


Day Light

13 hours 2 minutes

Colima Time Diff with Cities Worldwide

City Basic Info
