
Country: Syria

Capital: Damascus

Time zones currently being used in Syria

Syria is currently using 1 time zone EEST

Offset Time Zone Example City Current Time
UTC +03:00 EEST Damascus 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08

Time zones to be used in Syria

Offset Time Zone Commences
UTC +02:00 EET 2024-10-24

Time of Cities in Syria

EEST (UTC +03:00)

City Time
Damascus 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
Aleppo 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
Latakia 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
Hama 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
Al-Raqqah 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
City Time
Deir ez-Zor 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
Homs 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
al-Hasakah 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
Al-Qamishli 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08
Palmyra 05:19 Sun, 2024-09-08

Geographic Location of Syria