Time Zone of Los Ángeles
03:59:39 PM
Mon, 11/25/24
Time Zone
UTC -03:00
Time Difference
11 hours behind Beijing
DST of Los Ángeles in 2024
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
- At Sun May 12 00:00:00 2024, clocks in Los Ángeles are turned backward 1 hour to Sat May 11 23:00:00 2024 to end DST
- At Sun Aug 11 00:00:00 2024, clocks in Los Ángeles are turned forward 1 hour to Sun Aug 11 01:00:00 2024 to start DST
Sunrise & Sunset of Los Ángeles
Sunrise Time
Sunset Time
Day Light
14 hours 26 minutes
Los Ángeles Time Diff with Cities Worldwide
- 11 hours behind Shanghai
- 11 hours behind Beijing
- 6 hours behind Istanbul
- 12 hours behind Tokyo
- 11 hours behind Guangzhou
- 8 hours 30 minutes behind Mumbai
- 11 hours behind Shenzhen
- 12 hours behind Seoul
- 10 hours behind Jakarta
- 10 hours behind Bangkok
- 11 hours behind Hong Kong
- 6 hours behind Riyadh
- 8 hours 30 minutes behind Chennai
- 11 hours behind Singapore
- 11 hours behind Taipei
- 7 hours behind Dubai
- 11 hours behind Manila
- 11 hours behind Kuala Lumpur
- 6 hours behind Mecca
- 8 hours 30 minutes behind Agra
- 10 hours behind Phnom Penh
- 6 hours behind Antalya
- 5 hours behind Jerusalem
- 11 hours behind Balikpapan
- 8 hours 30 minutes behind New Delhi
- 11 hours behind Santiago
- 10 hours behind Phuket
- 5 hours behind Petra
- 6 hours behind Moscow
- 3 hours behind London
- 4 hours behind Berlin
- 4 hours behind Budapest
- 4 hours behind Madrid
- 5 hours behind Athens
- 5 hours behind Kiev
- 4 hours behind Rome
- 4 hours behind Paris
- 5 hours behind Bucharest
- 4 hours behind Vienna
- 4 hours behind Warsaw
- 4 hours behind Munich
- 4 hours behind Milan
- 4 hours behind Prague
- 4 hours behind Brussels
- 4 hours behind Stockholm
- 4 hours behind Amsterdam
- 4 hours behind Oslo
- 4 hours behind Copenhagen
- 3 hours behind Dublin
- 3 hours behind City of Edinburgh
- 4 hours behind Florence
- 5 hours behind Varna
- 4 hours behind Venice